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About Us

Berven Chiropractic was founded by Chiropractor Dr. Lynette Berven in 2011 in Tampa. Her chiropractic care center has evolved into a healing oasis. We are dedicated to helping you live your best life.

Our Mission

Our vision is to restore health, function and vitality to every patient that walks through our door. We place our emphasis on natural methods of healing. Through our state-of-the-art care, we help our patients avoid the dangerous side effects of drugs, including those created by addictive opioid medications.

We Can Help You Thrive

The goal of our practice is to help you thrive through good health, and natural healing.

Whether we’re referring to a newborn baby or a growing plant, to thrive means to shine. To be without dysfunction; to bloom; to be the best that you can be. It’s our goal for every patient to have that experience.

If you’re thriving, you’re also prospering. Within the arena of health, when you prosper, you’re full of vitality. A zest for living.

Thriving also has a close association with good developmental function. Starting in childhood—with careful maintenance and monitoring throughout the many stages of life that every human being must face. Our goal is to make each stage enjoyable. We want to help you navigate through each life encounter with grace, fortitude and a minimum of physical discomfort.

Our Practice Journey

Over the years, we’ve done everything in our power to help those we serve. We often found that when we felt someone could benefit from a service that we couldn’t provide, we’d refer them to another practitioner. More often than not, the results were less than desirable.

Patients that didn’t require surgery ended up having surgery. Those that perhaps only needed minimal medication ended up being told they had to endure regular steroid injections.

In our practice, we feature an integrated team approach. Everyone is on the same page. If you’re having trouble walking because your knee hurts, we’re going to help you avoid knee replacement. If you can barely get out of bed because of a bad hip, we’re here to help you avoid hip surgery. If you have chronic pain, we’re going to help you change that scenario.

We’re Versatile; We’re Caring; We’re Compassionate!

We help people of all ages. Our office has a reputation for excellence with our approach, which includes the best of chiropractic, sophisticated diagnostic testing, and supervised medical support.

Are you or a loved one ready to experience natural, gentle care that enhances your health? That rids you of chronic pain? Place your confidence in our experienced team of professionals that are dedicated to your well-being. Contact our warm and caring clinic today!


About Berven Chiropractic | (813) 968-3500